28 September, 2008

Friend...can we be little simple?

Maybe, something judge someone manners, but friend, can u feel me?
Maybe, i'm reali make u upset without a good ending, i feel sorry but not for my "wrong";
Is tat friend if juz a action i take to make u disappointed?
Is tat a friend can be without any communication?
Friend, u now might be close might be far away; but do take care cuz God do tell me to love you more...as i'm still learning for it~

1 comment:

*~Happy_Angel^^~* said...

Dear friend,

*~I feel so touched with you words...
*~Sometimes I really hope that this world can be as simple as it can..but cometimes I feel quite dissappointed..But I know that I have to accept the fact that this is a complicated world actually.
*~I tend to have a simple thinking, and love to be simple..so that I can be a happy person..no matter in what circumstances I would be.
*~I'm still in the process to overcome all the obstacles..still in the process of learning how to become the happiest person in the world.
*~This is my dream..to have a happy life..and it also included the eternity happiness that I will enjoy in the heaven someday...